Bankruptcy Lawyer Muncie, Indiana
At The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, we offer services that address virtually any type of debt. Whether you fell behind on your mortgage, suffer from overwhelming student loan debt or simply need some help repairing your credit — our law firm may be able to help. While many firms choose to practice in multiple fields of the law, we practice exclusively in debt relief and bankruptcy law.
If you have questions about your debt or just want to ensure you know where you stand, contact us today for a free consultation.
The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller
Bankruptcy Lawyer Fees
Bankruptcy lawyer fees vary from client to client and from chapter to chapter of the bankruptcy code. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy each involve rules of what an attorney can and cannot do when it comes to bankruptcy attorney fees.
Many bankruptcy attorneys/websites advertise “$0.00 down bankruptcy” or “start bankruptcy for $0.00”. You see the ad, get interested and go in for a free consultation. Then, before you know it, you are learning that “the devil is in the details”. It may turn out that, yes, they will file you for no money down….for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. But what if Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is not in your best interest? What if you don’t want to be in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy for the next 3 to 5 years? What if you should really be in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
You will also see bankruptcy law firms that insist on being paid ALL of their bankruptcy fees upfront before they ever even file your case. From a practical perspective, a law firm that has already been paid in full may have very little incentive to go above and beyond should you really need them later. They conveniently claim that paying them in full (while you may be getting garnished or be threatened with repossession or foreclosure) is the only ethical way they can accept your money.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Fees
At The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, we offer a payment plan for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy that allows you to get filed for $399.00. This payment covers your court filing fee and credit reports. A payment plan for your proposed post-filing fees is then created based on the complexity of your case and income. We typically stretch these payments over 3 to 4 months after your filing and allow you to pay weekly, biweekly or monthly (depending on when you receive your income). You must first qualify for the payment plan which can be determined during a free no-obligation phone or in-office consultation.
There are no tricks or gimmicks. Everything is fully disclosed, in writing, during the free consultation and before you ever sign any documents or devote any additional time to the bankruptcy filing process. Some law firms claim that Chapter 7 Bankruptcy payment plans are prohibited by the bankruptcy code. You will find these are the very same bankruptcy firms that require you to pay all of their fees up front prior to them actually filing your case. In reality, bankruptcy courts across the country have routinely approved Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Fee payment plans. These bankruptcy law firms also claim that your case may not actually be completed if you miss a payment on a payment plan. Our bankruptcy law firm treats every case the same – whether you elect to pay everything in full prior to filing or go with the payment plan.
We also offer discounted Chapter 7 Bankruptcy fees if you choose to pay all or most of your fees up front, prior to filing. Right now, the average discount Chapter 7 Bankruptcy fee for a single or married couple is $999.00. That payment includes your court filing fee ($335.00), credit reports ($37.00) and credit counseling ($9.76). That amounts to approximately $620.00 in actual attorney fees after costs.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Fees
At The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, we will file your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy for $0.00 down. We are so confident that your case will be a success that we are willing to pay for your bankruptcy court filing fees ourselves so that you may file as soon as possible. Our fees are then paid through your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan of reorganization after your case has been filed. This means that if you are filing to save a house or a car, we will get paid right alongside your other creditors. It also means that you can the relief you need without having to have any money up front.
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