File Bankruptcy With Your Tax Refund

1040 Tax Form

Start 2019 Off Right – Use Your Tax Refund to File Bankruptcy

Filing Bankruptcy with your tax refund may sound like a boring way to spend your refund.  People like to use their tax refund for big luxury purchases, expensive car repairs, home improvement – any expense that requires a quick influx of a couple hundred (or thousand) dollars.  The truth of the matter is – filing Bankruptcy with your tax refund may be the best use of your refund.

Spend a Little To Get Rid of Lots

Imagine you have $15,000.00 in unsecured debt that you know you may never pay off no matter how hard you try.  This could be a combination of debts like credit cards, medical bills, or collection accounts.  You also expect to receive a $2,000.00 combined federal and state income tax refund.  You could spend all the money on a new television or vacation.  Or, you could spend part of that money on a bankruptcy that has the power to totally eliminate that debt.  

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Generally speaking, there are two different types of Bankruptcy. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is considered fresh start, clean slate Bankruptcy. It last about three months and usually involves only one short hearing.  Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is the most common form of Bankruptcy.  

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is reorganization Bankruptcy and is designed for people who are trying to save something they are behind on like a house or a car OR people who make too much money and do not qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.  Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can last anywhere from several months up to five years.  Chapter 13 is also available to those who are not eligible for a chapter 7 because they have filed chapter 7 within the last 8 years.

Get Answers About Bankruptcy Now

If you are considering Bankruptcy or Debt Relief, you owe it to yourself and your family to at least get more information.  Many clients treat the commitment to use their tax refund to file Bankruptcy as part of their New Year’s resolutions. If you are suffering from overwhelming debt, getting your finances under control should be at the top of the list for 2019.  Call today.

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