Entries by Alexis Ellerbrook

Bankruptcy Filings Rise in 2023

Bankruptcy Filings Rise in 2023 The numbers are in – bankruptcy filings are on the rise. With all four quarters of 2023 reaching new peaks, we are seeing the highest number of both business and non-business filings since 2020. With business filings up 40.4% and non-business filings up 16%, we are seeing a total 16.8% […]

Rise in Bankruptcy for Millennials and Generation X

Rise in Bankruptcy for Millennials and Generation X Despite recent economic data reports showing a 29% increase in consumer confidence since November of 2023, LegalShield’s December Consumer Stress Legal Index displays a worrying rise in financial pressures. According to these documents, more consumers, especially Generation X and Millennials, are seeking legal help for bankruptcy and […]

Meet Your Financial Goals With Bankruptcy

Meet Your Financial Goals With Bankruptcy Two of the top new years resolutions for Americans this year are to build savings and pay off credit card debt. Unfortunately, under the current weight of high inflation and other unexpected financial strains, one might find it difficult to meet their goals this year. As a matter of […]

Foreclosure Filings are on the Rise

Foreclosure Filings are on the Rise In 2023, 357,062 US properties were filed for foreclosure. That is 10% more than 2022 and a whopping 136% more than 2021. This reflects a correction from the volatility of the past few years, however, it might still sound alarming to the average American. Although this means more predictability […]

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