Bankruptcy Filings Surge

bankruptcy filings surge

Bankruptcy Filings Surge

Bankruptcy filings surge as Americans struggle with credit card debt, medical debt and high prices.

Prepare before filing bankruptcy

Even though bankruptcy filings are surging, you don’t need to rush to file bankruptcy.  A smooth bankruptcy filing requires thorough preparation prior to your case being filed.  Obviously, you never want to file a bankruptcy and then be met by surprises.  At The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, we pride ourselves on going above and beyond to ensure that we prepare your bankruptcy petition thoughtfully and thoroughly.

The Dreaded Bankruptcy Questionnaire

Dax has practiced for, and amongst, some of the largest bankruptcy filers in the country.  One of the most common requirements of larger bankruptcy law firms is that they require the client to fill out a long questionnaire that contains complex legal questions.  You are doing all of the work you thought you were paying a bankruptcy attorney to perform.

Most bankruptcy lawyers:

  1. hold a consultation,
  2. advise you need to file bankruptcy and then
  3. hand you a 50-page questionnaire to fill out all on your own.

The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, LLC does not take your money and then hand you a homework assignment.

The Better Bankruptcy Way

Fortunately, at The Bankruptcy Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, LLC, we threw the bankruptcy questionnaire out the window.  Our office does not require you, the paying client, to spend countless hours, days, even weeks, preparing a bankruptcy questionnaire.  You pay for a law firm, you get a law firm.  We do the work – not you.

Bankruptcy Filing Surge

If you are reading this today, you are likely considering bankruptcy.  Just keep in mind that every bankruptcy law firm is a little different (and some are a lot different).  You and your family’s future depends on making a wise choice that will decrease, not increase your stress levels.  Dax and his team have the knowledge and skill to make sure your bankruptcy filing will be a success.


Any more questions? Contact us Today!


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