Dax J. Miller – Now on Twitter

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The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller are now officially on Twitter!

Follow Dax J. Miller on Twitter!

By using our Twitter account, we hope to keep all of our followers up-to-date on local and national headlines regarding Bankruptcy and Debt Relief.

As your Evansville Bankruptcy Attorney, we are dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of any and all developments that might affect both our current and future clients.  By staying well-informed, we are able to maximize the benefit of our legal advice to our clients and minimize the cost of that advice.  By using Twitter, we only share what is directly related the issues that might affect our clients.  Issues surrounding foreclosure, loan modifications, repossession, wage garnishment, credit repair, debt settlement, student loans, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will drive the discussion.  Those are the issues that concern our clients in Southern Indiana and that is what we promises to focus on.

Many times, Bankruptcy Judges publish new case law that impacts the outcome of a client’s case.  New case law affects issues like whether one may retain a certain asset, whether a debt may be dischargeable, and whether one might qualify for a bankruptcy in the first place.  Only by staying educated do we serve our mission to provide the best, most cutting-edge legal representation available.  Naturally, you do not want to find yourself on bad side of a Bankruptcy Judge or a Bankruptcy Trustee just because your Evansville Bankruptcy Attorney neglected to read the most recent court opinion.

Perhaps more importantly, we like to stay involved in our community.  We follow the Indiana Governor, the Evansville Mayor, the Evansville Police Department just to name a few.  That way, when the Governor tweets about a new economic stimulus package or the Mayor tweets about a new job training program, we can relay that information to clients who could potentially benefit.  It never hurts to keep an ear out for good information.

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