Bankruptcy Filings Surge

Bankruptcy filings surge as Americans struggle with credit card debt, medical debt and high prices.

Prepare before filing bankruptcy

Even though bankruptcy filings are surging, you don’t need to rush to file bankruptcy.  A smooth bankruptcy filing requires thorough preparation prior to your case being filed.  Obviously, you never want to file a bankruptcy and then be met by surprises.  At The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, we pride ourselves on going above and beyond to ensure that we prepare your bankruptcy petition thoughtfully and thoroughly.

The Dreaded Bankruptcy Questionnaire

Dax has practiced for, and amongst, some of the largest bankruptcy filers in the country.  One of the most common requirements of larger bankruptcy law firms is that they require the client to fill out a long questionnaire that contains complex legal questions.  You are doing all of the work you thought you were paying a bankruptcy attorney to perform.

Most bankruptcy lawyers:

  1. hold a consultation,
  2. advise you need to file bankruptcy and then
  3. hand you a 50-page questionnaire to fill out all on your own.

The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, LLC does not take your money and then hand you a homework assignment.

The Better Bankruptcy Way

Fortunately, at The Bankruptcy Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, LLC, we threw the bankruptcy questionnaire out the window.  Our office does not require you, the paying client, to spend countless hours, days, even weeks, preparing a bankruptcy questionnaire.  You pay for a law firm, you get a law firm.  We do the work – not you.

Bankruptcy Filing Surge

If you are reading this today, you are likely considering bankruptcy.  Just keep in mind that every bankruptcy law firm is a little different (and some are a lot different).  You and your family’s future depends on making a wise choice that will decrease, not increase your stress levels.  Dax and his team have the knowledge and skill to make sure your bankruptcy filing will be a success.


Extra Money Doesn’t Come Around Often…

If you are in debt, filing bankruptcy with your tax refund gives you the relief you need now. Take this opportunity to get of debt and back on track for 2023. Stop worrying about how to pay medical bills, credit cards and collection accounts. File bankruptcy to stop garnishment, repossession and foreclosure.

Filing bankruptcy at tax time allows you to set the stage for the rest of the year. Don’t spend 2023 worried about bad credit and overwhelming debt. Take control of your financial future now. Don’t spend another year getting garnished or watching your credit fall. If you’re reading this now, you’ve already taken the first step. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place.

The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller practice exclusively in the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts.  Bankruptcy is all Dax does.

Timing Is Everything…

The bankruptcy code contains very specific laws concerning how the court treats your tax refund. In most cases, you don’t lose any of your tax refund money when you file bankruptcy. However, that is largely dependent on how you plan prior to filing bankruptcy. Speak to The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller today to make sure you protect your tax refund in bankruptcy.

File Bankruptcy With Your Tax Refund

The bankruptcy court allows you to use your tax refund to pay bankruptcy attorney fees. While there are some expenses you cannot use your refund for, paying your bankruptcy attorney and your court filing fees is permitted. Contact The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller immediately to find out whether you should file bankruptcy before or after you receive your tax refund. If you already filed your taxes, go here to check the status of your refund.  For more information about our fees, click here.

The Best Bankruptcy Lawyer

Being the best bankruptcy lawyer requires attention to multiple areas of a law practice.

Attention to Detail

Whether your attorney pays attention to even the smallest detail may make the difference between the success or failure of your bankruptcy case.  Details as simple as where you have lived within the last two years or how much debt you actually have might make or break your case.  It could be the difference between discharging all of your debt and getting the clean slate you deserve or filing bankruptcy and losing it all.  You need a bankruptcy attorney with a keen eye for detail that knows the potential repercussions of even the smallest differentiation in a fact pattern.

Attention to Your Client

Understandably, the decision to file bankruptcy is one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make.  Listening to and understanding where your client is coming from is the most important requirement to becoming the best bankruptcy attorney.  You cannot possibly help and advise a client whose story and needs you don’t understand.

Bankruptcy Case Law

Surprisingly, bankruptcy case law changes daily.  You need a bankruptcy lawyer who stays updated on all of the issues that could impact your case.  Some of the best bankruptcy lawyers around read bankruptcy case law updates multiple times a day (including Mr. Miller).  Knowing the current state of the law can be the difference between a nightmare bankruptcy and a quick, clean bankruptcy.

Knowledge of Local Practice

Obviously, being the best bankruptcy lawyer means knowing your Judges and bankruptcy Trustees.  Every Judge and every Trustee has difference preferences and positions on the law.  There are several large, nationwide bankruptcy law firms that are expanding into our state.  Would you rather trust your financial future to a faceless name in a Chicago high rise or someone who has been on the ground floor all along, helping people get their fresh start?

Affordable Bankruptcy Fees

Naturally, the best bankruptcy lawyer should be able to offer you the best fees.  The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller offer the best fees in town.  We will match or beat any competitor’s written quote.  We also offer chapter 7 payment plans that get you filed for as little as $399.00 down.  That is filed – not “oh we’ll start a file and get some paperwork going”.  “Filed” means your case is actually initiated in the bankruptcy court and you receive the protection of the automatic stay that stops collections and garnishments.  We also file chapter 13 bankruptcy for $0.00 down.  Each of these fee options have have simple requirements that most people meet.  Don’t fall for the “big name” law firm that wants to charge you $1,800.00 up front for a simple chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Who is the Best Bankruptcy Lawyer?

The truth is simple.  You decide who the best bankruptcy lawyer is.  We offer free, unlimited consultations.  We offer the most competitive fees.  We offer a bankruptcy service that we believe rivals any competitor.  We offer you to call us for that free consultation and you can decide for yourself.  But, at the end of the day, you ultimately decide on which bankruptcy lawyer you will hire.  Contact The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller today to learn more about what sets us apart from the rest.

Which Bankruptcy Is Better?

Knowing which chapter of bankruptcy is better for you depends on your situation. Fortunately, an experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you determine which is best. Regardless of which chapter you file, bankruptcy provides stability in an otherwise hectic financial situation.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a “clean slate bankruptcy.” This may allow you to discharge unsecured debt such as credit cards and medical bills. It is a relatively quick bankruptcy and you will receive a discharge typically within 3 months of filing.

Qualifying on the Means Test

You must first qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Eligibility is dependent on several factors including your income, your expenses, and your family size. Often, a Means Test is conducted to determine if you are eligible.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 is a reorganization of your debt. It can prevent foreclosure on your home or stop repossession of your vehicle. Chapter 13 allows you to restructure unsecured debt and, in some cases, tax debt, student loans, or child support. While you are typically in a Chapter 13 for three to five years, you are only repaying the percentage of your debt that the bankruptcy code requires. Because you have repaid a portion of your debts, this chapter generally looks better on your credit report.

Which is Better?

Which type of bankruptcy is better will largely depend on your specific circumstances and goals.  Whether you file a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, bankruptcy can alleviate your financial stress and get you on the road to recovery. We are here to make the bankruptcy process as painless as possible by offering unlimited free consultations and payment plans designed to fit your life.  Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can be filed for as little as $399.00 down and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can be filed for as little as $0.00 down.

Reach out to us today.

The Trouble with Medical Debt

If you are like most Americans, you probably have some medical debt. Even with insurance, many people may still pay excessive amounts for health care. With the rising cost of living, these medical bills often end up taking a back seat to more important bills. However, once the calls that begin with “this call is from a debt collector” start coming, it can be hard to recover. You can put an end to these calls and discharge medical bills with bankruptcy.

Bills with the Hospital

Even if the calls have already started, you can still file bankruptcy on your medical debt. The most important thing is knowing who you owe and how much you owe to the health care provider. From there, bankruptcy can take care of the rest.

Medical Bills in Collections

You may find comfort in knowing you are not the only one with medical bills that have gone to a collection agency. In 2020, collection agencies held $140 billion in unpaid medical bills. Hoosier Account Services, G.L.A. Collections, Receivables Management Partners, and Med-1 Solutions are a few of the many agencies collecting for past due medical debt. If you have put some of your medical bills aside, you may be familiar with some of these companies. Unfortunately, if you have reached this point, the collection agencies are already reporting negatively to your credit report. You can voluntarily pay on the medical debt to stop this, but that is not always doable on a tight budget.

Lawsuits from Medical Bills

If you’re unable to pay your medical debt voluntarily, you could be sued. Sadly, these kinds of lawsuits are simple for collection agency law firms and hundreds are filed in a single day. These lawsuits can result in creditors garnishing your wages, seizing money in your bank account, and even foreclosing on your home.

How Bankruptcy Can Help

While many people believe bankruptcy is for those who have overspent, research has shown medical debt is one of the top 3 reasons people file. Fortunately, bankruptcy discharges medical bills, which means you would no longer be liable for this debt. Because this debt can be detrimental to your credit and a healthy financial life, it is important to get help now.




Bankruptcy May Stop Garnishment

You have bills due soon and you worked all week to have enough to pay them. You will have money for food, necessities, and maybe even a little extra spending money. When payday comes, you check your bank account and notice that the amount is only about 75% of what you expected. You look at your paycheck stub and you learn there’s a garnishment. You piece together enough money to get through the week with no end in sight. You may be thinking “how can I stop a garnishment?”

What Is Garnishment?

A garnishment allows a creditor to take money from your paycheck to pay for your debt. By law, creditors may be able to garnish up to 25% of your disposable income. Most of the time, garnishments occur when the creditor sues you in civil court and wins. Unfortunately, garnishments from the IRS or student loans do not require a lawsuit at all – they can just garnish you. Bankruptcy can stop or interrupt most of these types of garnishments.  Bankruptcy also allows you to organize child support and alimony arrearages.

How Bankruptcy Stops Garnishments

When you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, an “automatic stay” comes into place. This is a federal order telling the creditor to stop garnishing you. A good bankruptcy attorney can recover any possible garnishment refund owed to you. Creditors who continue to garnish your wages are violating the bankruptcy code which may entitle you to damages against them.

What Should You Do?

Garnishments are difficult to live with. You can pay off the debt, though this is not always possible. If you do nothing, you will be garnished for as long as it takes to pay the debt in full (plus interest).

We can help.

We offer unlimited free consultations and a special payment plan to get your financial life back on track.

Extra Money Doesn’t Come Around Often…

If you are in debt, filing bankruptcy with your tax refund gives you the relief you need now. Take this opportunity to get of debt and back on track for 2022. Stop worrying about how to pay medical bills, credit cards and collection accounts. File bankruptcy to stop garnishment, repossession and foreclosure.

Filing bankruptcy at tax time allows you to set the stage for the rest of the year. Don’t spend 2022 worried about bad credit and overwhelming debt. Take control of your financial future now. Don’t spend another year getting garnished or watching your credit fall. If you’re reading this now, you’ve already taken the first step. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place.

The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller practice exclusively in the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts.  Bankruptcy is all Dax does.

Timing Is Everything…

The bankruptcy code contains very specific laws concerning how the court treats your tax refund. In most cases, you don’t lose any of your tax refund money when you file bankruptcy. However, that is largely dependent on how you plan prior to filing bankruptcy. Speak to The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller today to make sure you protect your tax refund in bankruptcy.

File Bankruptcy With Your Tax Refund

The bankruptcy court allows you to use your tax refund to pay bankruptcy attorney fees. While there are some expenses you cannot use your refund for, paying your bankruptcy attorney and your court filing fees is permitted. Contact The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller immediately to find out whether you should file bankruptcy before or after you receive your tax refund. If you already filed your taxes, go here to check the status of your refund.  For more information about our fees, click here.

Bankruptcy Lawyers

“How to file bankruptcy?” may be a question that has kept you up at night.  Not only “how” but also “whether”.  Filing bankruptcy in Evansville, Indianapolis, Terre Haute or New Albany likely sounds like a scary, foreign concept.  The truth is – filing bankruptcy has never been easier.  The most important question you have to answer is “Which bankruptcy lawyers should I use?”

What’s the difference between bankruptcy lawyers?

There are many ways Evansville, New Albany, Terre Haute and Indianapolis Bankruptcy law firms differ.

Bankruptcy law firm size

Bankruptcy law firms vary greatly.  Some are big and some are small.  Some bankruptcy law firms advertise that they have served hundreds of thousands of clients as though that makes them specially qualified to handle your case.  If you want to avoid being merely “a number”, these may be the types of firms to avoid.

Multiple attorneys

A bankruptcy law firm that boasts employment of lots of bankruptcy attorneys may not be a good fit.  Bankruptcy is a very fact-specific type of law.  Each case is different.  The amount of attention to detail in your case may be the defining factor that makes your case a success or not.  The old saying “there are too many cooks in the kitchen” exists for a reason.  Sometimes too many people involved in one single thing hurts – not helps.

Multiple states

Whether a law firm practices in multiple states or just one is also a worthwhile consideration.  A law firm that is spread out over multiple states and jurisdictions may not be as responsive to changes in local practices as a firm that only practices in a select few courts.

Exclusive practice in bankruptcy court

Some bankruptcy attorneys dabble in other types of law such as personal injury.  At The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, our practice is entirely dedicated to Bankruptcy – that is it.  Bankruptcy law is sometimes very complex and requires a nuanced understanding of the facts at hand and how the law applies to them.

Bankruptcy law firm experience

Many law firms have a long, complicated process to get you filed.  You have to fill out a long, boring questionnaire.  Then your filing might take weeks, even months.  All this is happening while your still vulnerable.  You may be subject to repossession, foreclosure, garnishment – and you’re still not filed or protected.  I have heard horror stories where someone has paid the attorney, submitted all of the paperwork, and months go by with no action on their case.

Bankruptcy at The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller


Our bankruptcy law firm is small.  Dax J. Miller is the only attorney.  We employ only intelligent and efficient support staff that allow our bankruptcy firm to function like a well-oiled machine.  You will not be met by another attorney at Court or be handed off from one paralegal to the next.  We have created a smooth, seamless process to help you through what is likely one of the most stressful times in your life.


Dax is licensed in Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida; however, he practices solely in the state of Indiana and Kentucky. Dax is a glutton for punishment and just likes taking bar exams in his spare time.

No Jack-of-all-trades

Dax has practiced exclusively in bankruptcy law his entire career.  He does not dabble in personal injury law or family law.  Dax focuses solely on bankruptcy law in Indiana.

Dax’s Bankruptcy Process

At The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, we do all of the work.  There are no long questionnaires to fill out.  You don’t have to go hunt down all of your creditors.  You pay for a bankruptcy lawyer, you get a bankruptcy lawyer.

Everything starts with a free, no commitment consultation.  During the consultation, I will assess your situation by asking some questions to determine whether bankruptcy may actually help you.  If it will not, I will very plainly tell you that and explain why.  If bankruptcy will help you, I will give you all of your options and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one.  I will also quote you fees for each option and provide a breakdown of everything in writing.

There are no gimmicks or stupid attorney tricks.  I would rather sleep well at night knowing I did right by someone than make an extra buck.

We also do not pressure you.  Once the consultation has concluded, we will not hassle you (unless you asked us to).  Choosing to file bankruptcy is already a difficult decision and you do not need someone calling or emailing every other day trying to convince you to file.

If and when you make the decision to file, we take it from there and prepare all of your paperwork so that all you have to do is sign it.  Our bankruptcy process is that simple.

Contact us today for a free bankruptcy consultation.

Bankruptcy in Indianapolis, Indiana – Ch. 7 Filed For $399.00 Down, Ch. 13 Filed For $0.00 Down

Filing bankruptcy in Indianapolis, Indiana requires experience.  It requires an extensive knowledge of both federal and Indiana bankruptcy law.  Naturally, a nationwide bankruptcy firm is not going to have the specialized knowledge that an Indianapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer would.  The Indianapolis Bankruptcy Law Offices of Dax J. Miller possess the skill and knowledge to deliver fast, efficient results.

Local Indianapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer

Ch. 7 Filed For $399.00 Down, Ch. 13 Filed For $0.00 Down.  Dax J. Miller was born and raised in Southern Indiana and attended the University of Indiana – Bloomington.  Dax believes that Hoosiers deserve to determine their own financial future – not the government, not big banks.  Too often Indiana State Courts give too much power to creditors.  Unfortunately, Hoosiers often wonder how and why their paychecks were garnished when they never even had their day in Court.  That must stop – now.

Bankruptcy Lawyer Fees

The Indianapolis Bankruptcy Law Offices of Dax J. Miller offer multiple payment options to fit your budget.  Our bankruptcy fees reflect the fact that if you are contacting a bankruptcy attorney, you probably do not have thousands of dollars laying around for bankruptcy fees.  Thankfully, we offer discounted chapter 7 bankruptcy fees if you pay them all up front.  We offer chapter 7 bankruptcy payment plans in case you cannot pay it all up front.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Payment Plan

The bankruptcy fee payment plan for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy allows you to get filed for $399.00.  This payment covers your court filing fee, credit reports, and bankruptcy attorney fees.  A payment plan for your proposed post-filing fees is then created based on the complexity of your case and income.  We typically stretch these payments over 3 to 4 months after your filing and allow you to pay weekly, biweekly or monthly (depending on when you receive your income).  You must first qualify for the payment plan which can be determined during a free no-obligation phone or in-office consultation.  Dax is the only Indianapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer to offer this chapter 7 payment plan.

Chapter 13 Filed for $0.00 Down

Finally, we will even file chapter 13 bankruptcy for $0.00 down.

Click here to learn more about bankruptcy fees or hear it directly from me.

Stop Garnishment, Repossession and Foreclosure in Indianapolis, Indiana

In Indiana, the State Court gives your creditors much more power than you.  Normally, the Judges see creditor attorneys on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.  Coincidentally, some Judges even used to be employed by the very same creditors before they became Judges.  This is not to say that Judges are not impartial.  It just means that they might be more familiar with some of those bankruptcy attorneys.  Indiana Rules of Professional Responsibility require every Judge and Lawyer to abide by those rules and judge each case by its merits.  Regardless, you need someone on your side that can help level the playing field if you think that you’re at a disadvantage.

Bankruptcy vs. Debt Collection Cases

Filing bankruptcy in Federal Court overrides most State Court proceedings and forces the State Court to dismiss the case.  Consequently, when you file bankruptcy in Indianapolis, it creates a federal injunction against the collection of most debts (criminal and child support cases usually are not).  This results in most proceedings getting transferred into one place: the Indianapolis Bankruptcy Court.  It is in this Court that we can then discharge (eliminate) as much debt as possible to give you the fresh start you deserve.

File the Right Chapter of Bankruptcy

Some bankruptcy law firms try to persuade you to file chapter 13 bankruptcy when chapter 7 bankruptcy is really in your best interest.  Chapter 13 bankruptcy is reorganization bankruptcy, and typically reserved for those who make too much money and don’t qualify for chapter 7Chapter 13 bankruptcy is also for people who are trying to save something that they are behind on like a house or car.  Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common form of bankruptcy.  It only lasts three months, and is specifically designed to just wipe out debt so that you can get on with your life as soon as possible.

Contact the Indianapolis Bankruptcy Law Offices of Dax J. Miller

Most Indianapolis Bankruptcy Lawyers make you do all the work.  You have to pull your own credit report.  You have to fill out their long bankruptcy questionnaire forms.  What, exactly, are you paying for?  At The Indianapolis Bankruptcy Law Offices of Dax J. Miller, we do all the work.  We pull all three of your credit reports.  We fill out all of the bankruptcy paperwork on your behalf.  You pay for an attorney, you get an attorney – period.

Contact us now to learn how bankruptcy can work for you.

Bankruptcy is not the end; it is the beginning.

Bankruptcy Myths

Many bankruptcy myths exist that are simply not true.  People often hear that bankruptcy ruins your credit or deletes your credit or prevents you from ever obtaining credit again.  Each of these statements are simply untrue.  The truth is that filing bankruptcy is often the fresh start, clean slate that you need to begin rebuilding your credit.  Bankruptcy is not a credit “death sentence”.

How Filing Bankruptcy Impacts Your Credit

The initial filing of your bankruptcy acts as a federal injunction (“automatic stay”) against the collection of most type of debt.  One of the benefits of that bankruptcy automatic stay is that creditors are no longer permitted to report negatively to your credit.  That means that all of the delinquent credits cards, loans, and medical collections companies have to stop negatively reporting to your credit immediately.  This automatic stay effectively acts as a “breathing room” mechanism.  It allows you to regain your financial composure and think about how you will do things differently once your bankruptcy is over and you obtain your bankruptcy discharge.

How Finishing/Discharging Your Bankruptcy Impacts Your Credit

When you complete your bankruptcy, you will receive a bankruptcy discharge.  While the automatic stay that we mentioned before was only temporary, the bankruptcy discharge is now a permanent injunction against the collection of any debt discharged in the bankruptcy.  That basically means that your bankruptcy was a success and that none of the previous companies that were negatively reporting to your credit may do so anymore.

Credit Score

Generally speaking, when you receive your discharge, your credit score will respond over the next 6 to 12 months.  If your credit was really good (850) when you filed bankruptcy (rare), then, yes, your score will drop by around 50 to 100 points.  If your credit was average (650) when you filed bankruptcy (also rare), then your credit will likely fluctuate up or down by around 25 to 50 points.

However, if your credit was really low (300 – 550), then your credit score will likely increase by around 50 to 100 points.  This is primarily because all of the balances have been removed and all of the negative reporting has been stopped.

Credit Offers

You may find it unbelievable, but you will actually receive credit card and personal loan offers immediately after you receive your discharge (sometimes even before).  You will even receive solicitations from car dealerships offering financing for a new vehicle.

This primarily because lenders and dealerships monitor bankruptcy filings.  They believe that someone who took the responsibility to deal with their debt through bankruptcy and now has a fresh slate is a good, viable customer.

The only instance where you actually have to wait a significant amount of time is if you want to buy a house.  If you have the 20% down payment for a regular mortgage, there is no waiting period.  However, if you don’t have that down payment, then you’ll likely need to use the FHA program and they make you wait two years after a bankruptcy before that option is available.

Rebuilding Your Credit

Rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy is simple.  There are no tricks or short cuts.  You simply incur debt and then timely pay that debt off.  Each time you do that, you receive positive marks from your lender on your credit report.  Those positive marks add up overtime and, eventually, your credit has rebounded.  Use to obtain your annual free credit report.

Learn More About Credit vs. Bankruptcy

If you are interested in learning more about filing bankruptcy and how it affects your credit, contact us today.  The Law Offices of Dax J. Miller practices exclusively in the United States Bankruptcy Court.  We are a small bankruptcy law firm dedicated to detailed attention to your case.  Contact The Bankruptcy Law Offices of Dax J. Miller today to learn more.

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